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Morning After Rain

A gentle rain had fallen through the night. The morning light revealed low lying clouds over the mountains to either side of the monastery.

7 comments to Morning After Rain

  • GretchenJoanna

    How refreshing that must be! How many inches of precipitation is average for your part of the world?

    • Father Justin

      I see that the Sinai peninsula receives about 40 millimetres of rainfall each year. That is about 1 1/2 inches. It usually rains three or four times per year, almost always in the winter. Since all the groundwater is from the winter rains, these are of critical importance.


    Mist in the mountains so beautiful!
    Wonderful perspective photos Fr Justin!
    I saw tree to far left- Do almond trees grow on the mountains?

    • Father Justin

      There were ruins of an ancient hermitage on the face of the mountain below the chapel of Saints Galakteon and Episteme. Father Moses wanted to live as a solitary, but not at such a distance where bringing him supplies would be difficult. He repaired the hermitage, and then began living there. He planted the trees, which are now very large. He lived there for about twenty years, but has now returned to Crete, for reasons of health. That is the tree visible in the distance. The tree to the far left is a eucalyptus, springing from the rocks.

  • Maria

    Oh ! So beautiful! They are unique!
    First time I see this panorama !
    Thanks father Justin for these lovely amazing different photos from the monastery and the mountains

  • Maria

    The details of the lamps are lovely!


    So inspiring how God provides for our spirital journey! Amazing how the trees thrive on the mountain.

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