Liturgy at the Peak of Mount Sinai

Every year, we celebrate Pentecost all together at the monastery. The following day, Monday of the Holy Spirit, we celebrate the Divine Liturgy at the peak of Mount Sinai. This year we left at four o’clock in the morning. There were thirteen of us — members of the community, and pilgrims from Greece, Russia, Canada, and Austria.

The sky became light with the arrival of a new day.

The sun rose as we began to climb the last steps to the summit.

The Holy Table, with the fresco in the apse depicting the Virgin Mary of the Burning Bush, painted in 1937.

We celebrate this feast of Holy Pentecost today in commemoration of the coming into the world of the All-holy Spirit, which happened fifty days after the Resurrection from the dead of our Lord Jesus Christ, which fulfilled His promise to His disciples and obtained the completion of their hope and sanctification. We celebrate Holy Pentecost furthermore in honour of the weekly number, that is, as the Jews counting seven weeks from Passover celebrated their own Pentecost, since fifty days were fulfilled from Passover to the receiving of the Law, in this manner we celebrate the Fiftieth from Pascha as instead of the Law we have received the All-holy Spirit on this day of Pentecost, legislating and guiding us into all truth and the commandments appointed by God.

Ὁ Μέγας Συναξαριστῆς τῆς Ὀρθοδόξου Ἐκκλησίας

4 comments to Liturgy at the Peak of Mount Sinai

  • Ephraim


    It was truly a blessing and honour to have joined you Father, up to the top of Mount Sinai and receive Holy Communion in the same location where Moses received the 10 Commandments. I will cherish this experience for the rest of my life. Thank you from the depths of my heart.

    In Christ,


  • Dear father Justin ,
    Thanks a lot for the most beautiful photographs of the mountains !
    Such a divine experience the divine Liturgy at the peak of Mount Sinai ..!

  • Amazing photo of the mountains!
    Thanks father Justin !

  • jeremy

    There is a beautiful blue light that appears i believe just after sundown . It is staggering to see the light blue increase and fill a room and then fade as before nighttime ! It is more in Summer months here . It feels pure and very powerful but akso gentle and healing renewing to me . Thank you Father Justin !

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