Mahogany Stasidia

A detail of the mahogany stasidia where the protopsaltis stands. Over the years, the stain and varnish have worn away, revealing the grain of the wood underneath.

1 comment to Mahogany Stasidia

  • Ugljesa Mileta

    Dear fathers,

    I always remember one of our earliest visits to the Monastery, now more than a decade ago.

    I was at the church during orthros – the sun about to rise, and pilgrims slowly filling in… At one point during service Fr. Pavlos called some people to “fill in” the remaining free stasidia (close to the Iconostasis), and he also waved his hand my way… I turned around and saw no people behind me. When I looked back there was his serious look and another hand movement telling: “Yes, yes you…”

    So, I came up and took one of the seats just next to the place this photo points to. It was one of the most memorable services for me, that day – being “radiated” by the Divine Liturgy service so close to the analogion. That experience helped strengthen me for everyday struggles as an iconographer…

    Yours in Christ, Ugljesa.

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