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A Dove at Sunrise

The first rays of sunlight strike the bell tower and minaret. A dove has alighted upon one arm of the highest cross.

5 comments to A Dove at Sunrise

  • Dear Father Justin, thanks a lot for the beautiful and heavenly photographs!
    Every one wants to be there!

  • Richard Saloom

    Dear Father Justin,

    Was the minaret the highest structure at St. Catherine’s until the bell tower was built or was it built after the bell tower.

    Was there a bell tower prior to the current one?

    With Best Regards,


    • Father Justin

      There are foundations on either side of the basilica, as if towers had been planned. The present bell tower was built on the sixth century foundation on the north side in 1870. I have seen photographs taken before that time, when the minaret was the tallest structure inside the monastery.

  • Dana (Athanasius) Pope

    “All God’s creatures, great and small . . .”


    Beautiful photo Fr Justin!
    I enjoy my pet doves. They are peaceful, reflective, and they have a joyful laugh, so cute! I think of Noah’s dove and the dove that appeared after John had baptised Jesus. What a wonderful symbol & representation of God’s Holy spirit!

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