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Sinai Greek 401

Greek 401 is a manuscript of the Spiritual Homilies of Saint Theodore the Studite (759-826). Under his wise direction, the Studite monastery in Constantinople became the model of piety and devotion. The colophon on 205 verso reads,

Christ, grant me grace, for the sake of my labours, by delivering me from my many offences, Peter who wrote this divine book of Studites, our Father among the Saints, on the commission of Abba and Presbyter Leontios, who procured it by his longing for the kingdom of heaven.

This book was written in the month of August, the eighteenth, Wednesday, the ninth hour. The fourteenth cycle of the sun, the first of the moon, the year 6594, the ninth indiction. The end. Glory be to Thee.

Someone has done the math and added in pencil that the date corresponds to AD 1086.

1 comment to Sinai Greek 401

  • Richard Saloom

    Dear Father Justin,

    Thank you for the post. It helped me tie things together from my previous visits to Constantinople. The ruins of the Monastery of Saint John the Forerunner at Stoudios, were always haunting to me. I guess these words were still echoing.

    With best regards,


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