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Liturgy at the Peak of Sinai

Every year, we celebrate the Divine Liturgy at the peak of Mount Sinai on the day after Pentecost, the Monday of the Holy Spirit. This year, we were joined by pilgrims from Greece and Russia. We made the ascent in the night, and began the Liturgy at 4:00 AM.

The Holy Table in the apse of the small chapel.

The lamp over the Holy Table, with frescoes on the wall depicting the Apostles.

The iconostasion of the chapel.

The Holy Table from the nave.

By the time we began our descent, the sun was rising into the sky.

The mountain peaks receding into the distance.

7 comments to Liturgy at the Peak of Sinai

  • maria

    So beautiful and divine atmosphere!
    Thanks a lot dear father Justin
    The photographs are very very beautiful

  • Mark Robbins

    Thank you for sharing these photos and the beautiful life of those who stay at the monastery. I cannot help buy believe that your blog provides access to the truly holy.

  • Norman Hugh Redington

    The woodwork (?) on the top of the iconostasis is interesting. I cannot tell if it depicts vines, or serpents, or just an abstract design. Do you know what it represents?

    • Father Justin

      The iconostasion at the peak of Mount Sinai was made a few years ago by a talented woodcarver from Greece named Sotiris. He copied the top from the iconostasion that is in the Chapel of Saint Iakovos, one of the side chapels of the central basilica. It depicts two dragons vanquished by the power of the Cross.

  • Jana Monaco

    Beautiful blog and visit to Mt Sinai.

  • Is this the Chapel of St Anne?

    • Father Justin

      This is the chapel at the very peak of Mount Sinai. It is called the chapel of God in the Highest, as we read in Luke 2:14, Δόξα ἐν ὑψίστοις θεῷ, ‘Glory to God in the highest’, and as we chant in the first verse of the Doxology.

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