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Simple Cross

The simple metal cross over the entrance to the chapel of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, at Bostani, a short distance from the monastery.

4 comments to Simple Cross

  • Maria

    Thanks father Justin!
    Paradoxically I have never noticed it in Sinai
    Thanks for the photographs

  • Richard Saloom

    Dear Father Justin,
    I did some reading that describes the Bostani chapel/site as a dependency. Do monks from Saint Catherine’s stay there currently? Also, in the shrines, does anyone still live isolated from the main body of monks?
    With Best Regards,

    • Father Justin

      Bostani has a central chapel with kellia, and surrounding gardens. The gardens are maintained by bedouin who work for the monastery. The area is appealing as a site for a solitary monk or small community, but no one lives there at present. The same is true for many remote chapels and kellia.


    Beautiful photo Fr Justin.
    The gradient of light is perfectly radial, outlining the cross-inspiring!

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