
The Nativity of the Forerunner

Today we left a little after four o’clock in the morning to celebrate the Liturgy in the small chapel dedicated to the Nativity of the Forerunner.

As we made our ascent, the morning sun revealed ridges of mountains extending into the distance.

At the crest of the mountain, from which we took the path that leads to the little chapel.

A bedouin guide helped us make the trek.

It was a joy to celebrate the Liturgy in this little chapel that has been closed for so many years.

3 comments to The Nativity of the Forerunner

  • Richard Saloom

    Dear Father Justin, The trek must have had some amazing views. How are the distant chapels maintained between services? When I looked closely, it appears that there is graffiti on the walls. Is vandalism a frequent occurrence? I always enjoy your photographs. Richard

    • Father Justin

      Thank you for your kind comments. Some years ago, the wooden door became dilapidated, and visitors scratched their names and initials on the plaster walls. We now have a metal door in place. The chapels remain locked for the most part. It is a joy to make the climb and celebrate the Liturgy on the feast day of each of these chapels.

  • Maria

    I always enjoy all your photographs and miss Sinai,
    Thanks a lot dear father Justin !

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