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Saint Catherine 2020

This year we celebrated the feast of Saint Catherine, but the monastery services remain closed to visitors. Although we have only a few chanters, we were still able to have a full vigil service that began at 8:00 PM and ended at 3:30 AM. The service was most beautiful. The church was adorned with embroideries and banners, and all the lamps were lit.

The service in an empty church. On the feast of Saint Catherine, the church is usually crowded with many hundreds of pilgrims.

All the lamps were lit over the reliquary of Saint Catherine.

At the conclusion of the vigil, we had a procession around the church with the relics of Saint Catherine, saying special prayers for the present community, for those who have gone to their rest, and for all Orthodox Christians.

6 comments to Saint Catherine 2020

  • Richard Saloom

    Dear Father Justin,
    That must have been a moving service, you take some interesting low light photographs. Do records exist of the number of pilgrims going to St. Catherine’s in the times before trains and planes?
    Best regards,

  • Vera Alex

    Happy Saint Catherine’s day, dear father Justin! In 2019, this day we were with you in the monastery – friends from Russia. We are still together with you, only by prayer. We were ready to come to the festival, but now the monastery is closed. We hope to see you soon. All good health! God and Saint Catherine will help you.

  • Maria

    Wonderful! As usual, amazing photos! Dear father Justin I am grateful to you for all the photos

  • Seraphim

    I really like your mix of pics of the Divine Services and scenes around the monastery. Quite judicious!

  • Michelle Brown

    It is wonderful to ponder how many centuries will have seen such processions at the monastery. This year’s has a particular poignancy. Sending you and all at the monastery and surroundings our warmest good wishes and prayers for a safe, healthy and holy Christmas and Epiphany. WE remember with great fondness and much gratitude the Ephiphany celebrations and worship that we shared with you. Michelle and Cecil Brown

  • Cecilia

    I was there, at the door of the monastery and prayed in solitude till 3 o’clock in the morning. From time to time I was hearing the bells and my heart was singing together with them. It was a blessing to be there, especially during these hard times. May God bless us all! Cecilia from Romania!

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