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Saint Panteleimon

The peak of Mount Saint Catherine in the distance, photographed at sunset from the Chapel of Saint Panteleimon.

The chapel in early morning light.

Father Michael celebrated the Liturgy, making special commemoration of his father, who was named Panteleimon.

3 comments to Saint Panteleimon

  • Michal Dvořáček

    Thank you for this new post.
    When I read it, I remembered the Elder Paisios …
    Recently, after many years, I found two beautiful black and white photographs of this Elder, standing at some place on the Holy Mount Athos, holding the icon of Saint Pantelejmon. I’ve never seen it before.
    Asking for your prayers
    Best regards in our Lord
    Michal Dvořáček
    Brno, Czech Republic

  • Maria

    Thanks father Justin
    My beloved photos!
    Miss them . . . ! Spent at Saint Catherine’s the worst time of my life and Saint Catherine was alive . . . ! She gave to me everything I asked of her . . .
    My heart belongs to her!
    Καλή νηστεία!

  • Nathalie Beaux-Grimal

    Thank you So much dear father for thèse Pictures ! Please keep us in your proyers

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