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Prophet Elias 2020

On Sunday, we climbed to the Church of the Prophet Elias, to celebrate the Liturgy on his feast day.

The first light before dawn is rose coloured. This only lasts a few moments before the light changes to blue.

Sunlight on the peak of Sinai as we made our ascent.

The proskynetarion with an icon of the Prophet Elias.

6 comments to Prophet Elias 2020


    Magnificent photos Fr Justin of Sinai Mountains! Very beautiful and inspiring!
    The icon of Prophet Elias so beautiful also! I love birds, and I think it is amazing how God provided for Elias in the desert, and also the miraculous event, when Elias outran chariots that pursued him — God was by his side throughout his life’s challenges and trials.

  • Basil

    Dear Father Justin, thank you very much for many wonderful photos. Could you please tell us how many monks are currently living in the monastery? Is there a shortage of people who want to become monks in Sinai in recent years?

    • Father Justin

      There are about twenty-five of us all together. We have always been the small community living in this ancient wilderness. We need novices who have an appreciation for the spiritual heritage of Sinai, and who want to do their part to further that heritage.

  • Richard Saloom

    Dear Father Justin, Has the numbers of monks varied much during different periods of time?

    • Father Justin

      By examining all the ruins of monastic kellia throughout the South Sinai peninsula, scholars estimate that there were 600 monks living in the area between the seventh to the ninth century. In later centuries, it was only the fortress monastery and the surrounding area that supported monks in any numbers. Father Eumenios joined the community in 1953. He has told us that at that time, there were only seven monks living here. We are still a small community, but more than the seven who were here then.

  • Maria

    Very interesting all above!
    We miss Sinai . . . !
    Thanks for the photos, dear Father Justin!

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