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More Almond Blossoms

Honeybees gather nectar and pollen, as a slight fragrance fills the air.

4 comments to More Almond Blossoms


    Beautiful photos Fr Justin! Resolution on honey bee is amazing! Has the monestary tried bee-keeping/honey production? My Great Grandfather was bee keeper. I purchased honey from Chmielewskis blueberry farm and it indeed had blueberry flavor!

    • Father Justin

      Father Michael was taught how to take care of bees when he was a boy on Crete, and he enjoys doing this. But after the almond trees and other fruit trees blossom in the springtime, there isn’t much to sustain the bees. We need to plant desert wildflowers that will bloom through the summer.

  • Maria

    Fabulous photographs
    They give us encouragement to live ..

  • Yasser sorrour

    Dear father thank you for your great photos

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