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Trapeza Bell Shadow

The mid-morning sun creates a shadow of the trapeza bell on the wall of the storeroom.

4 comments to Trapeza Bell Shadow

  • Richard Saloom

    Father Justin,

    A very attractive and interesting picture. The window to the left of the bell has what I would call chicken wire over it. Was it designed to keep animals that size in or out? Do you have any idea of the bell’s age or how it was damaged.?

    I truly appreciate you allowing me to vicariously experience these wonderful sights.

    • Father Justin

      I suspect that placing chicken wire and cloth over the window frames was a temporary measure, until glass panes could be installed, and with the passage of time, the temporary became permanent. I will take a close up photograph of the bell in the coming days. If the clapper of a bell is not properly aligned, it will end up damaging the bell when it is struck. The bell is missing a piece of the rim, but it still rings with a nice tone.

  • Maria

    Yes, it is very attractive!
    And the wire on the window!
    For protection …
    Merry Christmas Father Justin
    A happy New Year
    To all of you

  • Caroline

    What an inspired photograph…

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