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Wrought Iron Cross

The wrought iron cross at the east end of the basilica. The lead roof protects the sixth century apse mosaic of the Transfiguration.

2 comments to Wrought Iron Cross

  • Doumé

    Father Justin,
    Thank you for this picture. I am a bit lost in front of this complex Cross.
    Could you please explain me the significance of the various details & shapes added to the main Cross ?
    Thank you in advance.

    • Father Justin

      A cross with two branches at the base is known as the Tree of Life. Through the wood of the Cross, paradise is opened to us again. At the top is the sun, with rays of light streaming forth. The other ornaments are purely decorative, I think. The monastery has a blacksmith’s forge, from a century or more ago, and the cross could well have been made here.

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