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The Blessing of the Waters on Holy Theophany

On the feast of Theophany, we bless holy water at a special fountain in the narthex.

The fountain is made of elaborately carved marble, and dates from 1783.

Water feeds from a canister behind the marble and drips from the beak of a dove into the first basin below. (This photograph was take the day after the feast, to show the silver dove after the lamp had been removed.)

There are three basins with three silver doves suspended from the sides. Each basin is progressively larger.

Water drips from the beaks of the silver doves successively from the first to the second and then the third basin.

The sound made by the intermittent drops of water is like the chirping of little birds.

From the third basin, the water drips into the basin below. The priests read the long prayer of blessing, and then bless the water with a cross and a spray of fresh basil.

A clearer view of the lowest basin, also taken the day after the feast.

2 comments to The Blessing of the Waters on Holy Theophany

  • Maria

    Thank you Father! So lovely a fountain.. Never seen it before.. I miss your Liturgie, we love St Κατερίνα, she’s alive! Please pray for Markella!

  • Dr. Mohamed Helmy

    Very impressive description with very lovely images. Thank you Father Justin.
    All the best for you and for the monasery.

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