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Saint George Arsilaites

Saint George Arsilaites was praised by Saint John Climacus as the elder who taught him hesychia, stillness. The site of his cell, a one day trek from the Sinai monastery, is today known as Deir Antush

On the way

Stacked rocks show the trail

Sunlight on distant mountains

Our bedouin guide waits for the others to catch up

The desert is filled with wildflowers from winter rains

Purple flowers in the early morning light

Others are deep purple

Yellow flowers against ancient stone walls

A detail of the yellow flowers

2 comments to Saint George Arsilaites

  • George Livsey

    Father Justin,
    Is St. George Arsilaites also known as St. George the Sinaite, whose feast is 11 March? St. George of Sinai lived during the reign of Justinian I (527-565) and during the tenure of Patriarch Peter of Jerusalem (524-552).

    • Father Justin

      Exactly right. He was a monk of Sinai for over seventy years. We went to the chapel at the site on the fifth Sunday of the Fast, the Sunday of Saint Mary of Egypt, to celebrate the Divine Liturgy.

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