Leaves of the Burning Bush

Leaves of the Burning Bush in front of the door that leads to the ancient kitchen.

Weathered Boulder

A weathered boulder catches the first rays of the morning sun.

Sunrise over Mount Saint Catherine

Sunrise over Mount Saint Catherine, photographed from the Chapel of Saint Panteleimon.

Mount Saint Catherine is the highest point in Egypt, at an elevation of 2,629 metres (8,625 feet).

Mountain Peaks to the West

Mountain peaks to the west of the monastery are the last to reflect the rays of the setting sun.

Feast of Saint Panteleimon 2021

We climbed to the chapel of Saint Panteleimon to celebrate the Liturgy, one day after his feast day.

Once again, the sun rose as we were making our ascent.

The peak of Sinai in the morning sunlight.

Father Michael celebrated the Divine Liturgy in the small, bare chapel.

Feast of Saint Anne 2021

This year, we decided to celebrate the Liturgy at midnight at the chapel of Saint Anne. We left at 9:00 PM, when they lock the entrance to the monastery.

We reached the chapel a little after midnight, and celebrated the Liturgy in the stillness of the night.

It began to get light as we made our descent.

The sun rose when we were about halfway to the monastery, where we arrived around 6:00 AM.

Feast of the Prophet Elias 2021

We climbed to the chapel of the Prophet Elias to celebrate the Liturgy on his feast day.

The sun rose as we were making our ascent.

The chapel of the holy Great Martyr Theodore the Tyro in the distance.

Father Michael celebrated the Divine Liturgy in the little chapel.

The Holy Table before the cave of the Prophet Elias.

Almond Tree in Morning Light

The almond tree at the chapel of Saint Gregory of Sinai in morning light.

Twisted Almond Tree

An almond tree with a twisted trunk grows next to a well at the chapel of Saint Gregory of Sinai. Ruined walls show that, centuries ago, the area was an enclosed garden.

Promontory at Sunrise

Sunrise from the promontory above the chapel of Saint Anne.