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The Feast of Saint Catherine 2017

This year, many pilgrims came for the feast of Saint Catherine, from Egypt, Greece, Cyprus, Romania, and Russia.

Early morning with all the lamps lit, as pilgrims begin to fill the church.

Bishop Theodoros of Babylon represented the Patriarch of Alexandria, while Archbishop Theophylaktos of Jordan represented the Patriarch of Jerusalem. One hierodeacon and twelve priests concelebrated with them for the Divine Liturgy. Archbishop Damianos was present, but remained at the choir.

Beams of sunlight shine on newly polished lamps.

Sunlight illuminates the menologion icon showing the saints for the first days of June.

At the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy, we carry the relics of Saint Catherine in a procession around the church, saying prayers for the members of the community and the pilgrims who have come for the feast, and commemorating those fathers of Sinai who have gone to their rest.

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