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Polishing the Silver Lamps

Every year, Father Michael oversees the polishing of the silver lamps in preparation for the feast of Saint Catherine. The lamps are dipped in soapy water to remove the dust, rubbed with soft cloths in warm soapy water to remove the tarnish, and rinsed in clean water. They dry quickly in the desert air.

3 comments to Polishing the Silver Lamps

  • eliza

    Evloghite Father.
    I hoped that you will post some pictures with the Liturgy for Saints Galaction and Epistimi in their chapel. And maybe some photos with Saint Paisios room. I was inside the chapel one time, but we can not go inside the room. Do you have this kind of photos?
    Many thanks and all the best,
    eliza m

  • Viktor

    These photos are such a good allegory for advent. Like a servant preparing for his master to come home, they remind me so well of what I must do spiritually and physically to prepare myself for the coming of Christ this Christmas. Thank you Father and God bless you for these.

  • Caroline Lees

    These are fabulous…. to see behind closed doors so to speak. (and no silver polish, just soap and water, amazing) glad you all had such a wonderful day.

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