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The Chapel of the Burning Bush

The prophet Moses beheld the bush that burned with fire but was not consumed. God called unto him out of the midst of the bush and said, Put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground (Exodus 3:5). The Chapel of the Burning Bush was built to enshrine that very place. It is adorned with icons, silver candlesticks, and a multitude of silver lamps. Blue-toned faience tiles from Damascus cover the walls.

1 comment to The Chapel of the Burning Bush

  • Carole Petiet

    This is my favorite of all the pictures, as well as those taken outside. What a very blessed chapel. WOW!!! I love seeing your beautiful photos and writings, all of them. I will share these with Susan, Steve, Mima, and Sandi. It is like returning to our special pilgrimage with you in Sinai. Creating this blog is tremendous gift to the world. Thank you.

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