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Sinai Sunrise Two

As the light grows stronger heralding the approach of another day, the holy mountain turns a beautiful rose colour that later shifts to blue.


Sinai Sunrise One

We celebrated the Divine Liturgy at midnight at the tiny chapel of Saints Galakteon and Episteme. Afterwards, I went a little ways down the path to photograph sunrise on Mount Sinai. When the holy mountain first emerges from the darkness, you can see a trail of lights as visitors make their way to the […]

Plaster Wall

This weathered plaster wall will soon be repaired and repainted. I wanted to photograph it as it was, still showing signs of age.

First Sun

The first rays of sunlight on walls within the monastery, and the mountains beyond.

Momentary Cloud

The humidity in the air from rain the previous day causes a small cloud to form for just a moment at dawn.