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Sinai Greek 401

Greek 401 is a manuscript of the Spiritual Homilies of Saint Theodore the Studite (759-826). Under his wise direction, the Studite monastery in Constantinople became the model of piety and devotion. The colophon on 205 verso reads,

Christ, grant me grace, for the sake of my labours, by delivering me from my many offences, […]

Late Afternoon

The chapel of Saint Anne in the late afternoon, when shadows begin to lengthen.

Saint Anne 2022

We were again able to celebrate the Divine Liturgy at the chapel of Saint Anne on her feast day. I spent the night there, and took these photographs the following morning.

Sunrise through the window of the chapel.

The first ray of sunlight is perfectly aligned with the back corner of the […]

Prophet Elijah 2022

We climbed to the chapel of the Prophet Elijah to celebrate the Divine Liturgy on his feast day.

The first rays of the sun were reflected on the mountains to the west of the monastery as we made our ascent.

The holy table before the cave of the Prophet Elijah.

The […]

On Saturday

The first section of Sinai Greek 690 has a beautiful border and the following rubric,

Οἱ κατὰ σάββατον λεγόμενοι κατ᾿ ἦχον κανόνες τοῦ ἁγίου τῆς μονής, ἤως τοῦ ἁγίου προφήτου Μωϋσέως.

The canons known as on Saturday by tone of the saint of the monastery, that is, of the holy Prophet Moses.

There […]