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Sinai Butterfly

A butterfly takes nectar from the almond blossoms. Seen up close, butterflies have iridescent spots on their bodies, and the coloration on their wings is in tiny patches, more like a mosaic.


Almond Blossoms 2

Some blossoms are white, others pink, but most have white petals with red at the base of the flower.


Almond Blossoms 1

For a few weeks in the spring, the almond trees are covered with beautiful blossoms, and the air is filled with a subtle fragrance.


Almond Tree in Bloom

The almond tree at the edge of the garden is in full bloom, heralding the arrival of springtime in the Sinai.

Shelter from the Rain

The bell tower and minaret. Rain clouds hang over the surrounding mountains.

A cross carved into the granite ashlars on the west end of the sixth century basilica. If you look at the higher resolution photograph, you can see a pigeon that has taken shelter from the rain.


Bell Tower and Minaret

The bell tower and minaret, with low lying clouds beyond.