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Ascent to the Peak

The steps that lead to the peak of Mount Sinai, after a light snow.

A Dusting of Snow

An icy rain fell through the night. The cats had all found dry and sheltered spots, but they complained bitterly about the cold and damp. In the morning, we could see a dusting of snow on the Chapel of Saint Theodore in the distance.

Sunlight on Rough Plaster

The first morning sunlight shines obliquely across the rough plaster wall of the Chapel of Saint John the Forerunner.

The Nativity of Christ

‘A multitude of the heavenly host.’ Detail of an icon of the Nativity of Christ from the first half of the twelfth century.

And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the […]

Winter Rains

Through the night of December 31, we had heavy rains. The sun broke through on the morning of January 1, then again that night we had heavy rains with scattered hail. These rains will replenish all the local aquifers with much needed water. The sun returned on Sunday morning as the rain clouds lifted.
