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The passageway leading from the kitchen stairs to the church.

Sinai Post and Beam

Sinai post and beam constructed centuries ago in the desert, where wood is scarce.

The Afternoon of the Transfiguration

Καὶ ἀνέβη Μωυσῆς καὶ ᾿Ιησοῦς εἰς τό ὄρος, καί ἐκάλυψεν ἡ νεφέλη τὸ ὄρος. Καὶ κατέβη ἡ δόξα τοῦ Θεοῦ ἐπὶ τὸ ὄρος τὸ Σινά, καὶ ἐκάλυψεν αὐτὸ ἡ νεφέλη ἓξ ἡμέρας· καὶ ἐκάλεσε Κύριος τὸν Μωυσῆν τῇ ἡμέρᾳ τῇ ἑβδόμῃ ἐκ μέσου τῆς νεφέλης. Τὸ δὲ εἶδος τῆς δόξης Κυρίου ὡσεὶ πῦρ φλέγον ἐπὶ […]

Storeroom 25

The door of storeroom 25 is lit by the last rays of the sun.

Feast of Saint Anne 2018

Although we are few, this year also we were able to celebrate the Divine Liturgy at the beautiful little Chapel of Saint Anne on her feast day.

Carved Pomegranates

The sixth century doorpost in the basilica has a carved panel with pomegranates.

Καὶ ποιήσεις ἐπὶ τὸ λῶμα τοῦ ὑποδύτου κάτωθεν, ὡσεὶ ἐξανθούσης ρόας ροΐσκους ἐξ ὑακίνθου καὶ πορφύρας καὶ κοκκίνου διανενησμένου καὶ βύσσου κεκλωσμένης ἐπί τοῦ λώματος τοῦ ὑποδύτου κύκλῳ· τὸ αὐτὸ εἶδος ροΐσκους χρυσοῦς καὶ κώδωνας ἀναμέσον τούτων περικύκλῳ.

And under the […]