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The Stairs to Father Symeon’s Kelli

The stairs to Father Symeon’s kelli, just after twelve o’clock noon. The banister has passed into shadow, while the wall is still in full sun.

Coppery Gold

The mountains to the south of the monastery turn a coppery gold, reflecting the last rays of the setting sun.

A Paved Work of Sapphire Stone

In the Sinai mosaic, Christ is depicted within an aureole of graduated blue tesserae set in four concentric bands, with the darkest blue at the centre. Eight rays of light extend outwards from His person. The artist has achieved this by using the next higher register of colour within each of the bands, until the […]

The Play of Light

The sixth century apse mosaic at Sinai depicts the Transfiguration of Christ. His garments are white, with shades of light grey. They are bordered by gold bands, executed in tesserae of light gold, dark gold, and tesserae with gold leaf.

When the light is direct, the gold leaf is bright, and it blends with the […]

Cloudy Morning

A cloudy morning