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Bell Tower at Sunset

The cross on top of the bell tower is highlighted against the shadow on the mountains behind the monastery. A dove is perched on top of the cross, and two pigeons walk along the rim of the tower.

Wrought Iron Cross

The wrought iron cross at the east end of the basilica. The lead roof protects the sixth century apse mosaic of the Transfiguration.

The Archbishop’s Throne in Saint Iakovos

The eighteenth century Archbishop’s throne in the chapel of Saint Iakovos. It’s leaning a bit. The light reflects off the hand planed mahogany, and the turned dowels and knobs.

Agave in Bloom

An agave in bloom, next to a pot of sweet basil. An oleander bush grows in front of the balcony.


Geraniums, sweet basil, and a rosebush provide colour and fragrance in a desert monastery.