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The Tower of the South Wing

The tower of the south wing in the early morning sunlight.

A Few Moments

For a few moments, the ridge of mountains that lead over to the Chapel of Saints Galakteon and Episteme have passed into shadow, while the mountains behind still reflect the light of the setting sun.

Conclusion in Greek 401

At the conclusion of one homily, the scribe has carefully formed the text to make a cross, which contains these luminous words,

May we find to perfection the things which eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, which God hath prepared for them that love Him, […]

Decorative Initials

Greek 401 is a manuscript of the Spiritual Homilies of Saint Theodore the Studite. Almost every homily begins with the words, Ἀδελφοὶ καὶ Πατέρες, ‘Brothers and Fathers’. Throughout the manuscript, the opening decorative initial is an alpha. Some of these are of a knotted interlace filled with yellow, red, and blue pigment.

In […]